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More Than You'll Ever Know (Joseph Michael Benoit - Iowa, LA)

I am, I am more alone than you'll ever know. From the beginning and much in between you know, those times when I was nowhere to be seen. But such are things as these things go all too too familiar to the odd fellow called Joe
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Hard Work (Chase Miller - New Orleans, LA)

  Let's meet Bob. Bob is a clean Christian man. He wears a nice shirt, tie, and slacks every day. He has a nice, clean bright attitude about the world. Bob is very polite and is a man that wears his heart on his sleeve. The man does not smoke, nor drink, nor take drugs. Bob is a very keen rule follower as well. If someone told him that he was required to wake up early and shine his shoes everyday, he would most likely wake up at precisely 5:00 a.m. on the dot, and then shine his shoes to a brilliant glimmer. Now, our friend Bob here sounds like a nice man. Clean cut, honest, and friendly. But here's the problem. Bob has no job, no education, and still lives with his parents. Why is this, you might find yourself asking? Because Bob believes in the power of prayer. Now, you may found yourself asking why the heck am I dogging the fact that Bob prays. But, the fact that he prays is not the issue. The truth of the matter is that, Bob only prays. And what does he ask God fo

Les Mots Passé (2024.7 - September 2022)


Chemistry (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

He’s the only one that knows. He 's the only other person I know who felt it too.  We were like magnets that couldn’t break apart, that shouldn’t break apart. I looked at him and he looked at me.  In that moment, we were lost in each other, but we had found each other.  The moon watched.  As much as I knew hell was real, at that moment, I knew heaven was just as real.  We became Chemistry as our electricity lit up the street.  We didn’t know what to make of our electrons.  But Science and Spirit were our witnesses and They said we loved each other. 

Jasper (Madison Elizabeth Holland - Lafayette, LA)

I wailed at the sky, your broken lifeless bloody body in my arms. I had never faced grief before, not of this magnitude. You were my one great love, my wriggly, snuggly little spoon, the puppy I fell in love with at six weeks old and raised to adulthood. More often than not, I would feed you directly from my hand because you were my baby. Every night I held you close to me, my little spoon, your round little body nestling in the curve of my belly and hips, occasionally kicking me when I held you a little too close. You kept me alive when I wanted to die and holding you close to me helped the panic attacks subside when I knew no other way to stop them other than drugs, drink, or pain. You were my security blanket in a house that was never a home to either of us. In the midst of the screaming abuse I closed my eyes tightly, buried my face in your soft neck, and whispered that I would make us a home, a safe place, where we could be happy together forever. Its hard for me to put into

Beat Wait: There's More (Gabi Miller - Lafayette, LA)

7 seconds to paradise, Don't let your wallet think twice You can fly to the moon and back All in one night Buy this, Buy that, To get rid of your fat Everybody's yelling at once They can't let you think Smooth over the holes, Push you over the brink Fill up your life, From the ceiling to the floor Final seconds, you realize You could have been so much more

Les Mots Passé (2024.6 - August/September 2022)