As I lay peering into the darkness of uncertainty ahead, many thoughts of Why? Could-haves? Should-haves? race unceasing. Yearnings of wellness, future plans, an equal solitude, like those memories of times past frequently enter my senses. I now see myself as an outcast, outsider from my own body, as I view healthy persons in my perceptive eye as uncaring or inhuman in action. Feelings of inadequacy, shame, or anger surface as I hear media spew stories of, hate, rejection stigma because of the virus that found it’s way into my body. Where greed and indifference vie as a form of success in the democratic society, expressions of concern abound at creative solutions of which to fulfill my remaining quality of life. Ironically it has taken a conversation with death, to experience the anger to want to live. This very threat to my health has given me willingness to get in touch with my inner feelings, to share in my love of music, art, and writing openly without reserve....