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Showing posts from April, 2014

Cake (Chase Fontenot-Lafayette, LA)

A handshake to a smile  Fingers electric at first touch  Sharp words flow my familiar style  Eyes of fire burn of lust Midnight grasps and gasps amass Amidst sighs and cries behind my door  Bones howl reminiscent of the last  Moonlit passion fruit I'd known a night before

Words Ain’t Got Power Over Me (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz-LA)

Let it be known that trash is TRASH Like an infestation, it collects in the home That’s where all hate starts I got your nigger I got your faggot Right here on the tip of my tongue I’ll damned if I let a human word have power over me! What “black” person couldn’t be sympathetic to equality for all? What “gay” person dare be turned off by another’s race? Riddle me this When Lincoln freed the slaves where did they roam for 100 years before they had an American vote? Beats me... There was no low income housing or trailer parks Riddle me that When Matthew Shepard was killed for no reason didn’t it make you think of Southern lynching?  Think about it... Milk was assassinated for being himself, like Luther I’ll be damned If I use any of my God-given words to hate If I were you I wouldn’t either All hate is the same No matter what you say I know that I'm above it

The Sides of Religion (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

And on the first day God said let there be light Some billions years later We are still waiting to be enlightened Do you prefer white or back Jesus? I got an idea! Let’s talk about it Islam, Hinduism, Mormonism You only can pick one Oh yeah, Buddhism and Christianity Would you like a side of Catholicism? The Pope rules you Unless your Baptist or Methodist Then who cares Shhh, you hear that? Some children were blown up They were just Jews It’s not their fault you don’t like them Guess whose running for President? A man that says God leads him Oil companies are richer What country does God want us to invade now? Are you suspicious of Scientology? Don’t speak of Astrology or Numerology You will be stoned Women obey your men Or you will be stoned Once upon a time people were ignorant They still are And spirituality waits to be found God approves this message

Palindrome (Chase Fontenot-Lafayette, LA)

We We, the people We, the people, deserve this Morals hung from a bloody cross A constitution lost Love is mere curbside service Lust, no courage Economy's in the driver seat The irony in society Golden silence stays reported Thwarted tongues aborted We, the people, deserve this We, the people We

Hey There, Beautiful! (to the Person I Don’t Know) (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

Hey there Beautiful! Yes, I’m talking to you What’s that? No one ever called you beautiful before? Ah fuck’ em I don't care What you look like How much money you have Or what race you are You are a gift to me I know you must think I’m crazy But I value your life Whatever you’ve been through I’m here to tell you It makes you beautiful to me Don’t be lonely Know that I accept you

Cruel Intentions RePosts on Facebook starting tomorrow!

Louisiana Words the Public Reading Series Returns May 6th!

Premiering Tomorrow! We uncover a story you might not ever heard.

You Say He’s Just a “Friend” (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

Wait a second Let’s teach you a lesson Who is this guy? Please don’t lie Why don’t I know his name? Please don’t leave me with shame You say he’s just a friend But why do I feel this is the end? I see how this goes Will I be stuck with all the woes? I’m asking too many questions You’re not giving enough answers I can’t even rhyme anymore I don’t have the energy You go free with your “friend” And I don’t even deserve an explanation A descent into your mind games I’ll just become the next crazy ex-boyfriend But I promise you this The next time you see me I’ll be smiling right past you With my own “just a friend”

Power at the Bottom (Louis Toliver Jr- Swartz, LA)

You definitely can get to the top Especially, from the bottom This is about being controlled Feeling that you have no power In the place where you are Don’t let being poor Under the rich Make you think You don’t have the power to rise We all must follow a leader But make sure that leader Also follows you You are in control Remember that

Life (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

Life is waiting for you So live it That’s the beauty It never gives up on us Actually It lives longer than you Or me You’ll see Unless your dead already But you can be reborn Jut believe in love Then hate will have no power This hour We all deserve life But there is no promise To the amount of life one has No judgments Just be You owe no explanation to others Life is waiting for you So live it L-I-F-E Those letters belong to you Be alive

Wicked (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

Beware the wicked Their ways are sick-ed Sucking up all of our dreams Trying to be our friends, it seems Whispers infecting our ears Playing with our fears They throw poison in our eyes All the countless whys We scream for light in their hands Losing future voices of our hands The pained children of the past I wish their lives hadn’t gone too fast Beware the wicked Their ways are sick-ed Let love ensure our matured best Choosing to reject their hate fest

I Don’t Need (Nor Want) You (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

Enough Is Enough No more time outs This is the end We can’t pretend I Can’t pretend anymore Any way I can move on We must Let’s not rust No fest starts Just molded ends You Me Us On a bus Our destinations diffeent Your stop first Maybe mine No more hurt This isn’t anger We’re just on a hanger So let go Me first Then you Why I don’t know Something’ got to go I can’t give up on On me Not this time Jack So get Jill And get up that hill

Trojan (Chase Fontenont-Lafayette, LA)

All is lost The gentlemen are dead You choke while giving a stranger head Listen to your conscious and contest The messed up pressed tissue soft issues Your subconscious spoon fed and bled Into you Pay attention to your vision There's no prescription for redemption Remind yourself when you've become blind Rather than occupying time giving a stranger head Chivalry isn't dead, only swept under the bed Get off your knees Show those who rose to impose the decisions you chose That self-loathing isn't worth tip-toeing over Self-love is not worth blowing

The Woman in My Mirror (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

I’m looking at the best of society Education, health, culture The best of nurture Love, family, food The best of peace Ambition, good will, freedom Domestic, at first, Still the best warrior of the last You pick your battles wisely Violence hardly ever used This land was describe by your body You are this land This world I should hope to have such feminine grace as you I want to be a woman’s man With poise, confidence, emotional stability A woman can lead the mental will of the universe A man can’t even get past the physical barriers of earth

The Way We Do (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

I don’t understand why we react the way we do The fear that we are wrong, or wronged Whatever someone else told us wrong is Maybe it’s just people that are wrong The greed of you, or me, we You don’t understand why we react the way we do But where are we going to go? Who is it that we know? It’s just us here, fate’s choosing Yet you act like I am nothing but a leech My life is valued each time I walk away I do walk away often Just not from you Or whatever wrong I did to you Or you did to me Is it really wrong? What if we are right? What if we are supposed to happen? All of love’s short term pain, uncertainty Masking love’s infinite pleasures, successes We don’t understand why we react the way we do You and me

Through My Eyes (Rodney Laron-Pineville, LA)

I watched as we stood tall, proud above them all We cheered for our rights, our equal rights, up into the nights. We want the world to look at us all the same, but what I found underneath brought me shame. I watched as I myself was sized up, was I good enough to talk too, or shall we just say “good enough to do?” We ask the world to look upon us with favor, yet behind closed doors we show a very different behavior. We stand united, we stand proud, but behind our phones and tablets, we hide behind a shroud. We fight to show everyone we are worth the right to love and marry, but wait, only if he looks like Tom, Dick, or Harry? Before we beg the world to show us favor, let step up and show them those rights we will savor. We want to marry the one we love, the one who was designed just for us by the one above. But we look upon each other with judgmental eyes, because heaven forbid he doesn’t have killer thighs. We look for perfection although it doesn’t exist, in this specific quest it’s ...

Plastic Trees (Chase Fontenot-Lafayette, LA)

Whoever taught themselves to believe their eyes Must have taught to believe their lies a genius he was thought to be, taking steps forward and never looking back Since education ruled his heart, imagination he did lack Your anatomy never shows a direct path from the eyes to the heart And if you've never distrusted your eyes I suggest you start

Age (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

I feel often that I am just an embyro, an egg never hatched. The little I know of life has kept me alive and I am thankful, but yet I am so blind to so much. The dangers I don’t know sometimes overwhelm me with fear. When I look into the horizon, I see a vast ocean of knowledge, but the further out to sea I swim, more dangers lurk. Though there are sharks around me, I just breathe and float.   If I could be any age in life, I would the age of love, a time of pain lost.   I look over to the sun rising.   I don’t have to swim in darkness. I can break free from this shell. I will.

I'm Not a Bitch (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

I have confidence Direction, providence I’m working You’re just jerking My success Came with stress Your attitude Is just so rude I’m a human with a plan Not concerned if you’re a fan I’m not a bitch I’ve just got an itch To mind my own business Get through drama with quickness My precious life is like yours I’ve got the same sores Excuse me if I cut out the excess Trying to get some rest I’m not a bitch I just want be rich

I'm Your Cleopatra (Louis Toliver Jr-Swartz, LA)

How could I be worthy? Such a man as you You make me feel… I can’t describe in words Only in touches Pleasure on me In me From a Roman knight The protector of my body Big Strong All masculine love I lay here for you to grab Hold me Fill me with your passion Your love for me is evident Our hearts are relevant Come to me Feel how I feel for you Together You are my Antony I’m your Cleopatra Forever