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Showing posts from April, 2018

parTy's over (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

7. The curTains are closed The moTel room is Trashed i’m naked and shivering my large pupils are Tiring i could push my misery longer buT dawn jusT goT here. 6. iT’s Time To go inTo The lighT all The ice has melTed away and I no longer want To be cold Tina almosT fucked my hearT away my sorrow can longer add up. 5. alone, always alone Tina left me Tweaking in The dark baTTling The fears in my mind i would ofTen hear The police creeping ouTside the door paranoia had me Thinking, “if i wenT To jail, would she come to visiT?” 4. The really fucked up Thing: i wanTed her back again and again Though everyThing she Touched evaporaTed like smoke i craved her, my imaginary parTner my sTubborness had me Tripping Through life. 3. now, all The crysTals are gone, glamour conTinually leading inTo despair so many acquainTances have lefT my life so many of The wrong paThs i’ve Taken....

Dickmatized (Brandon Louis Granger - Parks, LA)

Tempted by your fruit, I sent my message of desire You replied, come over, and we arranged to meet. We stripped bare and your penis entered my body, firmly and aggressively   Our bodies synchronized as one. Pumping and grinding, we fucked for hours, I couldn't get enough.   Your dick had hypnotized me, leaving me wanting more.   It was a sensation like no other, it occupied my thoughts Night and day, I wanted your dick. Hard, firm, warm, it made me feel Dickmatized.

I Have RISEN (Brandon Granger - Parks, LA)

As the clouds are parting the hues of the evening sun cascade slowly over the horizon, I leave behind my old self. My former life is dying with the sun. Tomorrow, life starts anew. Goodbye forever to the long nights of temptation, despair, and waywardness. The darkness is empty and doesn’t compare to the Force of LIGHT. This is my springtime! This is when the pain of my past descends and my new life filled with hope becomes a reality. This is my time to RISE!