You want me to go mad a bit? To scream, tear out my hair a bit ? You know I' ve been asking why of it. Why never came into it. Yo u were you and I was me, W e played let's pretend, now I see . There was I dying slow, I could never tell you no. Here , were you? L iving fast W ould you please respond at last? I must know better than to ask. Our fates are sealed T he die is cast. Le jeu est fait , we sa id in French. Blood spills, the floor , drenched “Who was it ?” one day they'll ask. "That old wench?" Will you laugh before the inevitable reply ? " So me old fag who got me high . " I c ould s hriek “you broke my heart!” W h en each of us h ad our part. Fact is, the stupid thing gave out long before our first , fatal shout. So take these words,...