the best part is knowing when i’m looking perfect, with a great outfit and great make up, and feeling on top of the world, invincible in my beauty and personality and who i am. the worst part is knowing that underneath the clothes, is not what everyone sees with clothes, the worst part is every night, when i strip down before my shower, and looking in the mirror, and wondering where did i go? where is the me i just saw just a few minutes ago, the real me, with out my makeup and clothes, my reflection is lie, the person in the mirror has my face, but not my body, the worst part is bathing that body, that in the back of mind, i know is me, but the feeling that im washing someone else, makes me wanna cry... the best part is in the morning, when i hop out of the shower, and wrap that towel around my head and my body at the chest, and look in the mirror,...