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Showing posts from August, 2023

Les Mots Passè (2023.22 - From August 2013)


My Life, Not as a Covergirl (Le Voir N. Lewis - New Orleans, LA)

    If my life was an ad, a commercial, or a trailer of “what’s to come”? What would it feature? What would be the focal point? Where would my beauty come from? Would it feature my natural earth tones or the way the sun illuminates the brown in my eyes? Would the sun beam down on my perfectly white teeth or, capture my smize? What would the hypothetical camera capture? Would it be my smile or maybe the way I walk, Rapidly sauntering through the parks of Audubon, greeting passing strangers for a sit down and talk? Picking up the pace, no sliding or slow walking from my feet. Enjoying the sunshine and high stepping to a New Orleans second line beat.   What would the hypothetical camera capture? Would it be the famous ‘hair in the wind’? Idolizing my carefree spirit and non-existent thoughts of a moral sin. Bills!   What are bills? The camera captures my rent-free attitude. Imperfect, filled with blemishes, and errors in judgement. No determined exactitude. I lay ...

The Man Under the Water (TK Craft - New Orleans, LA)

              Sitting at the edge of the small motorboat, Jordan willed himself to take deep slow breaths. Every time he opened his eyes and looked out at the endless water; panic began to overcome him.  Against the vastness of the ocean his small frame felt like almost nothing, this sense only made his fear grow worse. All he could do was stare out at the still surface for what felt like hours trying to gather the strength to jump into the depths.              When he was fifteen, Jordan almost drowned in the ocean. He hadn’t been particularly frightened of the water till that day. In fact, he had no real emotional connection to it at all. He’d taken swimming lessons every summer so when the riptide carried him further out to sea he didn’t panic. He just reoriented himself to the shore and dove down to begin a swim towards land. That’s when he saw him glistening in the depths.   ...

Best of the Globe: August 20th - 26th, 2023


Best of the Week: August 20th - 26th, 2023


Les Mots Passè (2023.21 - From August 2013)

Words (Joseph Michael Benoit - Iowa, LA)

  when I was a child, I didn't have a public journal where I could tell you of my failings in Life, as well as my successes, my sorrows, or my plans for tomorrow. still, as when I was a child, so few ever listen to me, and so many call me such horrible names for leaving without another Word here, I leave my Words, so that no one can ever say that I didn't say anything at all

Untitled #1 (Gabi Miller - Lafayette, LA)

  Born in the city Surrounded by stone Formed by the pressure But melted alone Chasing the hero that you never were Your troubles started- and finished- with her.

Untitled #2 (Gabi Miller - Lafayette, LA)

  The smoke and the fire that held you all down Could never compare to the filth of this town Struck down by the goddess who slinks round these streets You never knew victory- only defeat.

Best of the Globe: August 13th - 19th, 2023


Best of the Week: August 13th - 19th, 2023


Ritual (Madison Elizabeth Holland - Lafayette, LA)

  Sometimes its the simple rituals that are the most meaningful Open the package Lay the cigar on the suitcase Take the knife, feel its heft in your hand Press it firmly along the brown cylinder Draw a line that blooms into an opening Spill its guts, deliberately and methodically [The dog is huffing quietly and putting himself to sleep since you are occupied with other things] Take the brown sweet sliver and hold it between your lips Licking it slowly and deftly like the most gentle and knowledgeable of lovers Before it dries completely, crumble the green crystalline flower between the fingers Separating leaf from stem and filling the tobacco canoe until it overflows Now the muscle memory, something you practiced many times [Often in moments of very high stress and under scrutiny; you remember her laughing when you made it too fat in the middle, a wholesome memory for once] Tuck, tamp, roll, lick Lick again for good measure If feeling fancy perhaps unroll and reroll a bit more tigh...

Throw Myself into the Night (Le Voir N. Lewis - New Orleans, LA)

    I am going to throw myself into the night  just t o see  what happens . I am going  t ake a chance,  be adventurous, wild, and spontaneous because when you live in New Orleans and summer is upon us,  you ca n n o t help but be ready to fuck  shit  up and partake  in  the miscellaneous.    Not an itinerary ,  nor a plan  for tonight will  ever  cross my mind . No second thoughts or hesitations to waste my  precious  time.  I’m  putting  on some comfortable threads because this summer heat  is far from divine. I am going to throw myself into the night and  see what adventures I get into  this  time.    Who needs a full moon  to start your transformation , your metamorphosis  to  be wild , w hen you have the New Orleans  summer vibe s  in affect ,  it is your chance to be more than mild.  Have fun,  have a ba...

Les Mots Passè (2023.20 - From August 2013)


Pride (Gabi Miller - Lafayette, LA)

  Give me the energy to persevere The strength to survive And the joy to make it all worthwhile Despite the challenges There is nothing more freeing than just being me I am not a mistake I would never go back to the way things were Thankful for my community So accepting and loving I am proud to be Me

Beyond Nirvana (Sam Ray - New Orleans, LA)

  Tick Tick Tick Crafty needles go click Onomatopoeia Takes me to Alegría Spanish for Joy Financial Ruin- Doom- Makes me grab my knitting loom, “HI! Welcome to my Crafting Room!” Got a hobby? Monetize! Hashtag Win the Prize! Wolf’s at the door, The haters are hating! Post a pic Post a reel, Don’t keep the fans waiting!

Les Mots Passé (2023.19 - From July 2013)


Best of the Globe: July 30th - August 5th, 2023


Best of the Week: July 30th - August 5th, 2023


Best of the Globe: July 23rd - 29th, 2023


Best of the Week: July 23rd - 29th, 2023