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Showing posts from August, 2024

Best of the Globe: August 25th - 31st, 2024


Best of the Week: August 25th - 31st, 2024


The Live Performances of Sam Ray (as of August 2024)

Sam Ray reads the most read poem, "Dead White Chicks," as an Allstar of 2023! See all Allstar videos and more content from many other writers at Sam Ray reads at Louisiana Words Live: Halloween 2 on October 1st, 2023 at The Allways Lounge & Cabaret in New Orleans, LA. See all videos from this show and more content from many other writers at Sam Ray reads at Louisiana Words Live: Summer Vibes on June 18th, 2023 at The Allways Lounge & Cabaret in New Orleans, LA. See all videos at or visit for more content from many other writers. Sam Ray reads at our OPEN MIC at Louisiana Words Live: Mardi Gras Rehab on February 26th, 2023 at The Allways Lounge & Cabaret in New Orleans, LA. See all videos at or visit for more content from many other writers.   Sam Ray reads at Louisiana Words Live: Halloween on October 2nd, 2022 at The Allways Lounge & Cabaret i

The Complete Works of Sam Ray (as of August 2024)

            “Nobody Said There’d Be a Day Like This” - August 26, 2024                                      “Is This Romance” - August 19th, 2024 “Graffiti” - December 4th, 2023 “Triple Threat” - November 19th, 2023 “Dead White Chicks” - September 2nd, 2023 “Beyond Nirvana” - August 6th, 2023 “Easy” - July 16th, 2023 “Scales” - May 28th, 2023 “Stripper Jonathan” - May 4th, 2023  “For My Lovers” - February 12th, 2023 “Nettie Belle and Monsieur Renard” - October 19th, 2022

Louisiana Words Live: Homecoming

  Our next live show in New Orleans is just around the corner! Join us for  Louisiana Words Live: Homecoming  on  Sunday, September 1st  at the  Allways Lounge & Cabaret @ 7:30pm!  Our main cast features Lily Lechler, Sam Ray, J. Michael Norris, & Louis Toliver Jr.  If you are interested in reading at the show please contact us for an open mic spot at . We will also have ask for open mics at the beginning of the show. Spots will fill up quickly, so contact us as soon as possible!

Nobody Said There'd Be a Day Like This (Sam Ray - New Orleans, LA)

  I know how this should be:  I've seen it, you see, In soap operas, Movies. Your eyes are closed, As if in sleep. Perfect peachy skin Atop a snow white pillow  Under flawlessly matched sheets. The heart monitor, Quiet bleeps. The ventilator, A steady hiss. None of that is this. Your eyes Stuck open  Seeing without sight Yellow sclera Dumb tears streaming. Tubes, taped to your face  Delicate skin torn Where nurses Repositioned them  To feed you To heal you You never liked being told What to do. Your whole torso spasms Spastic, Every 40 seconds. A machine  Forces your lungs to act. Your hands are warm From hemodialysis  But don't respond  When we each grab one Give it a kiss. We spend the day  Brushing your hair  Telling stories  Singing  songs. Praying prayers. You're not there. Hospital staff Are more lovely  If less pretty  Than on TV. When the time comes  They gently walk us From the room Close the curtain  Remove the tubes Close the eyes. We resume our positions Your bo

All The Green World Was Theirs (Paige McRae - New Orleans, LA)

I grew up in a world of nature’s colors, from the brown and yellow of a fallow field to a verdant green. Green to me also came to represent the full power of nature, a green candle or the glow of an eerie light. I could see the green cast on my mother’s skin as she performed a ritual of union with my father, Father was descended from the stags, and it is him that I resemble the most. Mother was part wild mare. The two of them were a towering couple, as if all the green world were theirs. I, a young fawn, was nestled under the dolmen, where twilight was just starting to gleam. My parents brought me here to be tested, as a rite of passage, for it was the plan that I should one day take their place. It is here, encircled in the green, with the rising mist of the May dawn, my parents consummated their spell. “By the touch of hands, we create the fire of our sacred union.”

Gossip Boy (Louis Toliver Jr. - Swartz, LA)

As I walk down the hallway of life, I hear the whispers of all the voices that don't know me. Maybe if I hadn't cut class today, I would have shown them there's more to my body...I have a brain. Standing at my locker, I can't remember my combination because "slut" is written on my locker. My actions set me up to be labeled, but I am just a distraction from others' selves.  I look to my left and see fingers pointing back at me. I look right and see eyes glaring at me. What is a boy supposed to do when gossip rules his life? My judgers’ stares rape me, only truth can save me, but no truth will take my side. Lies have shaped the halls of my future and now I must navigate through darkness to be a light of truth. But until then, I'm just your gossip 

Les Mots Passé (2024.12 - December 2022)


Best of the Globe: August 18th - 24th, 2024


Best of the Week: August 18th - 24th, 20


Featured Writer: 1.1 - The Hits of Sam Ray (Ranked)


Louisiana Words Live: Homecoming (NOW CASTING)

Our next live show in New Orleans is just around the corner! Join us for  Louisiana Words Live: Homecoming  on  Sunday, September 1st  at the  Allways Lounge & Cabaret @ 7:30pm! We are now casting for the for the show! Cast reveal will be Sunday, August 25th!  If you are interested in reading at the show, please contact us for a feature spot at . If you are new to Louisiana Words and would like to read at our next live show during our open mic, you may also contact us via-email to claim an open mic spot. We will also ask for open mics at the beginning of the show. Spots will fill up quickly, so contact us as soon as possible!

He Likes Me for Me (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

What boy doesn't think he wants to be some girl's Romeo? Why do we reference such a tragedy as devotion? It’s the 2lst century I see more and more How many boys want to be Juliets Will another man ever come to love us so? I do know there is someone, for everyone But I can’t help wondering Will he like me for me? Will he love my scars? To tell me their beautiful That someone, that  someone Boy or girl, man or woman We’re all waiting for that  someone The appearance of love  Much more glamorous than the struggle The scars make love more beautiful Will he like me for me? Not just say he understands me Then walk way feeling confused Will he like me for me? I think he already does He just hasn’t seen me yet Only those special  someones  can see you There’s nothing more romantic Than when you open up your struggle He does the same You stick together like glue That’s love through all its glory

Is this Romance? (Sam Ray - New Orleans, LA)

I would not know. I love you  The way a burnt  Child Loves the fire, Weaned on poison, Harm becomes  The only comfort. All my stories are about  Being left. All yours are about  Leaving. We should have known. In another universe  We had one more day together – We laughed and cried  We cooked and ate Left no crumbs No words unsaid. No tears No regrets. Not Happy Ever After  Nor Eternal Flame. Now who knows?

Ode to Materialism (Willie Soniat - Baton Rouge, LA)

  Once my father taught me what kind of man he is In words said in an offhand conversation, One which he probably doesn’t remember. He was asked what makes a man And I standing to his side with my fairytale filtered ears And comic book colored eyes Looked to him expecting the words by which I would build myself. I expected the grand speech that Ben gave Peter When he told him of power and responsibility, That Robert gave Virgil When he told him the color of his actions, I wanted him to place his hand on his chin And hesitate to answer, Finding the words profound enough to make superheroes. But he did not hesitate He simply grew a whiskey tethered smile and yelled his next words like a man at Mardi Gras I’m Materialistic. He explained how he cared about what he wore He flaunted what he could buy He worked hard on the grind For the all the glitters of gold chains And jeweled rings He wanted the best truck, The best clothes, The best house with the best foods in the fridge

Les Mots Passé (2024.11 - November 2022)


Best of the Globe: August 11th - 17th, 2024


Best of the Week: August 11th - 17th, 2024


Featured Writer - Sam Ray (August/September 2024)

Sam Ray will be our Featured Writer this August/September 2024! Sam has been participating in Louisiana Words since 2022. Sam submitted very strong pieces making Sam a Louisiana Words Allstar for 2023.  Look for the complete works of Sam Ray as well as a ranking of Sam’s writing on! Plus, we will share Sam’s past live performances! Please visit so you can get a jump start on reading and watching Sam!  Sam will be reading at our next live show: Louisiana Words Live: Homecoming on Sunday, September 1st at 7:30pm at Allways Lounge & Cabaret in New Orleans!

I Hope I’m Ready (Brian Falcon - New Orleans

Mama squeezed my hands tight when she kissed my soft cheek as the screech of the school bus brakes filled the street. “I hope you’re ready” she said, hiding her watering eyes with her smile. *** Years later we drove to the land of loop the loops and surprise. I watched people take on the skies. “I think I’m ready,” I said to Dad as we reached the front of the line. *** Then there was that night he first undressed me. I was only seventeen. He did not ask me. I thought I needed him to set me free. “I know I’m ready,” I thought as I let my deep desires unravel. *** The unfamiliar white room spoke to me. Hushed cacophony. She was frail and weak. It haunts me. “I am not ready,” I sighed,  to say my final goodbye.  It’s not time.  *** Now, the hourglass  runs dry, and I can’t  comprehend just why  we must all subside.  We’re confined.  “I hope I’m ready,” I cry.  I fear to die. It’s simply  unsurmised.  *** I hope I’m ready  when it’s time to cease.  I want to believe  the irony that  releas

Les Mots Passé (2024.10 - November 2022)


Rescue Me (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

The waves almost made me miss you But you threw your life vest I caught it Up through the loop I grab your rope I haven't smiled this much in a long time Definitely not with the sharks around me I sing praises to you with the birds Putting my arms through I tie the rope tightly Pulling with your love I float towards you against the waves You're here for me

This Is the Way (Joseph Michael Benoit - Iowa, LA)

  Soon will come the time they will come to me and say, "You must stop saying the things that you say." Then I will stand still and slowly look away. Then I will turn back look at them and say, "No, because you know that 'This is the Way' '

Louisiana Words Best of the Globe

Well near 50 countries read Louisiana Words and to honor each countries viewership, we rank the top 4 of the week! Best of the Globe highlights the global support for Louisiana Words. 

Louisiana Words - Best of the Week

Sharing is caring and the more you take pride in sharing your writing from Louisiana Words, the more people around the world you will impact. To honor those that submit their creative writing, we rank our new and old content each week together. Louisiana Words’s Best of the Week highlights the top 4 contributions for the week.

Louisiana Words News (Thursdays)

  Catch host of Louisiana Words Live, J. Michael Norris and creator of Louisiana Words, Louis Toliver Jr. LIVE ON INSTAGRAM every Thursday evening at 8:30pm for a short newscast of everything related to Louisiana Words. If you are looking to get involved with Louisiana Words, this a great opportunity to learn how to submit or participate in our live shows. 

Louisiana Words Featured Writer

Every month we feature one of our Louisiana Words writers each Wednesday. From his/her/their most popular writing to learning his/her/their specific writing style, we explore a collection of writing from our most prominent writers. 

Louisiana Words Debuts (Tuesdays)

  Every Tuesday, Louisiana Words shares its newest writing by our talented writers who live or have lived in Louisiana on Facebook & Instagram (@louisianawords1). Our writing includes poetry, fiction, memoirs, series, short plays, and other creative writing genres.

Les Mots Passé (Mondays & Fridays)

Every Monday and Friday, Louisiana Words shares its les mots passé or past words on Facebook and (@louisianawords1 . Meaning, when you join the Louisiana Words family, your writing never dies. Four writings are shared every week (2 on Monday & 2 on Friday) from previously posted work. 

Join Our Family! Submit to Louisiana Words!

  Louisiana Words is a LGBTQIA+ soon-to-be nonprofit organization that promotes writers who live and who have lived in Louisiana! We are here to be a creative outlet that helps uplift and inspire each other! Louisiana Words is gearing up for another great year of talent!  We are calling for writers. If you live in Louisiana or have lived in Louisiana, you can submit! We accept poetry, fiction, short plays, short screenplays, or memoirs! We love writing from new or seasoned writers No politically-motivated content will be accepted. is the home for Louisiana Writers. We help market new and seasoned writers for FREE! Just submit your work and we’ll get you into our content rotation! You may submit your new content to or you may contact us through Facebook or Instagram (@louisianawords1)!  We’re excited to have you as a part of our family! Feel free to also reach out to J. Michael Norris @jmichaelnorris808 or Louis Toliver Jr @ltjishere to submi

How to Follow Louisiana Words Weekly on Facebook and Instagram

How to follow Louisiana Words Weekly on Facebook & Instagram:  Sundays: New content uploaded to Mondays: Les Mots Passè (past content) Tuesdays: Debuts Wednesdays: Featured Writer Thursday:  Louisiana Words News & Live Replay Friday: Les Mots Passè (past content) Saturday: Best of the Week/Best of the Globe Follow our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram: @louisianawords1  Interested in being on or participate in a live show, Submit to!