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Showing posts from February, 2018

A Close Call in a Lifetime of Close Calls (Blake Bumpus - Lafayette, LA)

The radpower engine was kicking and pulling straining to climb these slippery hills. A bullet hit the internal antenna damn near grazing my leg. Robbing that house was a bad idea, robbing it  with the owner inside was a worst one. The sirens were close now. Should I ditch the cycle and escape by foot and risk getting caught? To come all this way from that decrepit swamp only to get my ass thrown in a dungeon upon a hill? But ahead a few dozen feet up the road was an alleyway, perhaps a means of escape. I slammed my rear brakes, rev-matched and downshifted to second gear. A mistake. The rear tire started to slide on the road and the cycle started to slide on me. I came to a quick stop by crashing into a metal dumpster. (I admit I screamed when I got up.) I yanked off my helmet and clutched my backpack full of loot with a bleeding hand embedded with rock and dirt. The sirens were close now. I limped like a motherfucke...

Breaking Society (Annette Redmond Walters - Lafayette, LA)

Fighting an endless battle Against all aspects of society; Watching as we’re herded like cattle But refusing to go quietly. Always resisting the binding ties, Determined to live a life fulfilled; Must detach from the scams and lies In order to keep from being belittled. Far too stubborn and torn to fight as a team, Consequently standing resentful and alone; Relentlessly craving to reach a certain dream, Inspired by rejection of becoming a clone.

Papa's Hat (Barry Sons - Berwick, LA)

                        It’s frayed and bent                         Body oils stain it’s down.                         The felt is drying and fragile now;                         Its ribbons run amok.                                                          ...

Dance, Dance (Brandon Granger - Parks, LA)

Who am I in this love affair? A fleeing moment A stable figure That is yet to be known, You dance with my emotions A tango or a ballroom blitz Never knowing the next step or beat Something more desirable may come To cheer your fancy Sweep you off your feet Is my love truly enough? My dear friend, That is left to be seen To strip you or your secrets To place your trust in me My deepest desire To know you head to toe We dance, dance together Always as lovers With one beat and one melody We dance, dance together Always as lovers With one beat and one melody

Good Funeral (Blake Bumpus - Lafayette, LA)

I’ve come a long way, I can dance in burning buildings, and I’ve come a long way from home. I’ve got myself some problems. My problem is mostly myself. But I fight so hard, I fight so hard to not fight. I found a map but it just leads to more maps, and   my skepticism has lead me to dark places but my skepticism has never lead me astray. I’ve come a long way, I can dance in burning buildings, and I’ve come a long way from home. Home is where I know I can find you. Home is where I know I can love you.

You're Sick (Faerie - Lafayette, LA)

The sky is melting The earth is moving My mind is aggravated By thoughts of you So true You leaving me feeling dismal But you make me walk on water Your dirty tears They spread disease Your touch I feel So real I see you lying in your tomb A reflection glaring back at me You should be ashamed You disgusting fool So cool A sick, twisted animal Squirming in a maggot lake Taste my creation I lick you abundance Trouble me with might So tight You crush my intentions I rip away your glare The sky is dripping The earth is shaking You disrupt my memories Your blackened stare of ice So nice You leave me standing wasted But you release my soul to reign