Madison Elizabeth Holland has been contributing to Louisiana Words since 2013. She was an allstar for Louisiana Words: Allstars 2021 held at Beausoleil Books in November 2021. She has continued submitting poems in 2022 & 2023. Madison Elizabeth Holland is not just representing Lafayette, LA, but with over 60 contributions, she leads as the woman with the most contributions of all time. Madison’s “Inevitable” broke into the top ten for 2021. Madison’s writing often has underlining themes: fate (“Inevitable” & “The Circle Turns”), freedom (“Wild Heart”), depression (“She Sees”), hardships of love (“The Price Paid for Love”), & perseverance (“Joy”). However, she covers so much that it truly would take pages to honor the momentum, vulnerability, and passion she has given to our statewide community. Because of Madison's dedication to Louisiana Words, she will be feature more in 2023/2024 to fully comprehend the magnitude of impact that she has made on Louisiana W...