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Showing posts from November, 2024

Best of the Globe: November 24th - 30th, 2024


Best of Week: November 24th - 30th, 2024


A Right to God (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

There is no God that abuses or kills Just demons and their worshippers They try to block me from Her I am no fool   I see Her language in nature My sanctuary is safe It is everywhere My loves are safe, their souls lifted I worship Her beautiful soul, energy Sometimes in free-spirited words This is my right She is my God I respect with honor

A Sunday Story (Joseph Michael Benoit - Iowa, LA)

As it happens, it rained, Saturday night. This is not an uncommon occurrence, and was expected. That's why I parked the motorcycle in the parking tower, and arranged for a friend to return me to my hotel room. I knew that I could get another ride, or take a cab. No worries. After a sound sleep, a hot shower, and a breakfast that someone else cooked, I called a taxi service recommended by a hotel employee.(I like recommendations, and refer to the name of the person that gave it). The person I spoke to told me that it would be at least 45 minutes before they could get to me.... meh Really though....I was in no hurry. There were no deadlines to meet. The motorcycle was safe, and I could use another cup of coffee, while reading some of the Sunday paper. Plus....I got to sit in the lobby, and quietly make uncomfortable the property manager...but that's another story. Anyway, at approximately the exact time that I was told to expect the cab, it arrived.  smile emoticon  So, honesty ...

Oh Holy Lord (Annette Redmond Walters - Lafayette, LA)

Holy, Holy, oh glorious lord deliver me from my atrocious errs unbind my soul from all offenses Blessed, Blessed, oh hallowed lord grant me answers to my prayers let me be your faithful witness Praise you, Praise you, oh sacred lord I come before u, humbled and desperate and beg to be near you in your lenity Gracious, Gracious, oh cherished lord give me wisdom to know my fate and accept my purpose with serenity

Les Mots Passé (2024.18 - from May 2023)


Best of the Globe: November 17th - 23rd, 2024


Best of Week: November 17th - 23rd, 2024


Erase the Scars (Joseph Michael Benoit - Iowa, LA)

A flame cannot burn with no fuel to ignite nor can you read by a candle that has not been set to light and the brightest of flames cannot clear the sight of primitive souls still fearful of Night The Night is not the only fear of those whom drive yet refuse to steer blind to all that they dont want to hear littering the Path that others made Clear Coveting nothing engenders no fear for the only things lost are the one we hold dear through times of disorder famine and war; in his new modern age no one is ever too far for only the Realm of the Dead erases the scar

Drivers and Watchers (Louis Toliver Jr - Swartz, LA)

Like a race car track Drivers drive life to the fullest Their souls speed around Among a coliseum of watchers Lap after lap risking their lives Watchers envy the freedom Safely viewing crashes at a distance They won’t do anything to help

Rise (Annette Redmond Walters - Lafayette, LA)

i am among u u mighty and few u never knew how I could consume u relish in u and dispense u right on cue let's rise anew tell them we're thru don't let it stew spill out the brew tell them we're thru

Les Mots Passé (2024.17 - from March 2023)

Best of the Globe: November 10th - 16th, 2024


Best of the Week: November 10th - 16th, 2024


The Story of "You" (Louis Toliver Jr. - Swartz, LA)

  “What about us?” I said as I was leaving I’ve spent all this time right by your side And this is how you repay me? This? Yes, I’m pissed. Yes, I’m fucking pissed. I’m not going to keep saying  I’m sorry Not to a piece of shit like you, no way! You. You. “You” is all I hear out of  you And the thought that I gave so much time… The thought that I built a life around you… What about us? Huh? What about us? Lying, cheating, stealing, hating, fighting, Hugging, kissing, sighing, loving, fucking… Ahhh! I hate you! I hate you! I love you! Was I always in this alone? When did you leave ? Where did your heart go? Mine was here. I’m so embarrassed. I’m so confused. I am… Who I am? Who am I… without you?    I’m lost My life gone down the drain. A black hole. A black hole created by an asshole. That’s you. Yep. The asshole. I don’t know what to say now. I could stand here in silence. Should I? Hell no. Well, I’ll    just stand here and think. Think… About the mu...

Along Highway 90 (Malaina White - New Iberia, LA)

  traveling highway 90 between new  orleans  and  lafayette at eighteen years old tired of the strip and the local scene we are headed to  tea time in the quarter free beer until ten pm not  ya  mama’s tea the quarter isn’t as crowded on  sunday  nights the  street lamps  stop before they reach the gay clubs winter  wunderland in our unmentionables at parades or oz i  can’t recall which all  i  remember is being chased by a biker dike must have been my leather rolling home as the sun came up singing “watermelon, watermelon” when we can’t recall the lyrics sleeping through the day should  we go again tonight?   traveling highway 90 between new  orleans  and  lafayette at  twenty-eight  years old twin towers have fallen the world turned upside down military wife alone with the baby and a toddler i’m   leaving new  orleans to stay with family a few days back home in new...

Les Mots Passé (2024.16 - from March 2023)


Best of the Globe: November 3rd - 9th, 2024


Best of the Week: November 3rd - 9th, 2024


Backstabbers (Louis Toliver Jr. - Swartz, LA)

  Ugh, don’t you just hate it? You’re looking for a place to sit The plastic, mean girls are looking Watching what kinda style you’re cooking Those shady mean boys, I mean girls Whispering about you clutching their pearls They invite you over; you sit down getting a hug You think they are your friends all snug Then, wait a second, your back feels weird All of your trust issues are smeared You touch your back, now a wound Blood is dripping, now you’re doomed Those bloody backstabbers Those greedy moneygrabbers Now get revenge, kiss them on the cheek You’re wounds will heal but their lives will be bleak

A Spectacular Death (Malaina White - New Iberia, LA)

I want to die on my one hundredth birthday In spectacular fashion A manner in which the world will awe Obliterated by a laser Shot from outer space While I am trekking through the desert Sliced in half in battle As I am apprehending A notorious serial killer Floating in the ocean On an inflatable mermaid raft As the world’s largest whale breaches And swallows me whole (Raft and all, though the raft is later expelled) Spontaneously combusting Into stardust and fireworks As I blow out my candles Launched from the peak Of Kilimanjaro By the nasty kick of a rude mountain goat Collapsing into a puddle Before being evaporated into a cloud And rained down over Mardi Gras Fantastically imploded Attempting a true witch’s hex Summoning a demon Who carries me to hell Whatever form my death takes I want it to be witnessed and mythologized By people who love and hate me alike In conflicting stories Of my magnificence and insufferability To become folklore Urban legend Cautionary or tall tale… Drow...

My Young Friend (Paige McRae - New Orleans, LA)

He lay just up the road from my father, the young man I grew to consider my friend though we  never met in this realm. On our way to my father’s grave, I was strangely drawn to one nearby. A  few small stuffed animals had been placed around it, as if they could either be standing guard or  keeping company. I walked up to read the gravestone and learned it was the final resting place  of a youth of seventeen. The offerings, loving expressions of grief from his friends, likely their  first experience of death with someone so close to their own age. I felt as if I were  sharing it  with them. My father had been closer in age to when one naturally crosses the veil,  but in a  way he introduced. On future visits I always made it a point to say hello to my young friend.

Les Mots Passé (2024.15 - from February 2023)