As the boy walked into the darkness of his father’s closet,
a horrible odor punched the boy’s nose. It was something he never smelled
before and it instantly caused fear. But this wasn’t your average boy, fear
propelled him forward. He had to know what was in his father’s closet.
Time passed and so did more darkness. The boy wondered if
his mother would suspect his absence. But, she was oblivious to anything that
didn’t involved pleasing her husband and only her husband, as the father stressed
the Bible said. This caused her to forget she had a child at times. The boy understood this already at a young age.
All of a sudden, his face ran smack into something, hard. A
wall, he assumed. He felt around until he touched a knob and then turned it.
The door opened and a sinister, red light covered his face. He entered a
dungeon of some sort. There were decaying corpses of young human bodies. Some
seemed recent, all male, young boys.
He heard an unpleasant moan from the only lively, little
soul in the room of the decay, struggling in chains, dehydrated, emaciated, standing
in his own feces.
“Help me,” his raspy voice pleaded.
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