I. Situations: a play
Scene 1
Me: Where are you?
You: You back?
Me: Miss me?
You: Terribly.
Scene 2
Me (drunk): Where are you now?
You (back from Buffalo): Miss me?
Me (back from nowhere): Is it a question
when you already
know the answer?
(seconds later): You gave me
no other choice.
[message not sent]
II. Excerpts
Amor de mis entrañas, viva muerte,
en vano espero tu palabra escrita
y pienso con la flor que se marchita
que si vivo sin mí, quiero perderte.
And parted the shirt from my bosom-bone, and plunged your tongue to my bare-stript heart
In your stray moments, as now in
mine, may what was not
rise like grief before you.
From poems I read earlier. Made me
think of you, sorry.
[message not sent]
III. Proofreading
a) Never b sorry! Just tell me
what ur referring too.
b) Cuter
c) Awsome.
You to lover..
d) In more ways
then one
Notes on the Text
Excerpt 1: from “Amor de mis entrañas, viva muerte…” by Federico García Lorca
Excerpt 2: from “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman
Excerpt 3: from “Luggage” by Frank Bidart
Prelude to a Breakup
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