Imagine a juggler (I'm talking a serious juggler here, not someone who can throw two tennis balls around, that doesn't really count. Posers). They have quite a few items in their hands: ping pong balls, apples, oranges, a flaming torch, some daggers, and other items varying in danger levels. There are so many things being tossed all at the same time and keeping these things up in the air at a consistent rate is getting particularly difficult for them. They start to grow weary and begin to drop a couple of things, possibly getting injured in the process, but they keep going. Sometimes they wonder if they can keep it up and other times they wonder if they should throw it all away and go drink a rich glass of Cabernet, I certainly wouldn't be against it. And as they keep going, things are continually being dropped and more things start appearing in their hands that they didn't even realize that they were juggling. I really feel bad for this guy. Or gal. Whatever they are.
Life is synonymous to this poor person's practice. So many situations are put into our hands and at times, we feel like so much is happening that it's impossible to keep up. As positive things turn negative, we feel like the world is crashing down, as if we've lost every potential juggling item and the last couple of things that we have in our hands feel heavier than we can possibly imagine. But I'm finding that this is a pattern, and in this pattern, there is room for good. Negative things have every capability of turning positive. And when this happens, the better things turn our view of life into something we can handle. We begin to throw more things, and for once in those rare moments, we feel as though we can juggle five hundred things at one time and nothing can stop us. These kinds of instances make everything worth while. But wait a minute. How are these things suddenly turning better?
Some say it's an act of God, some say it's destiny, some say it is the will of the universe, which all of these may be very true. I believe in them all. But more importantly, I believe in the power of our own will. When we put a little extra effort into something, and when we see ourselves doing something better for the sake of our well being, magic begins to take place. The world becomes a little brighter, people seem to be a little nicer, your wallet seems to be a little fatter (well I would hope so), and for once the world just seems to work in your favor. People in the past have done it, people of the present are doing it, and people of the future will continue to do it. And from these actions, we have expanded the will of the human race. From technology to bettering the life of people, the most amazing and miraculous magic that can ever be seen is in the will of your soul. That's something to think about. That's something that we should remember.
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