This place is here to pick us apart.
I have to put myself back together as the figure I imagine.
Some of us never put ourselves back together completely, because we're scared of our own divinity and greatness.
We've forgotten we're here to merely experience being alive. Our entire spiritual consciousness has been altered, the focus shifted to our present state. Now is the time for us to remember our true path and reason for existing.
Feel the emotional currents that pass through this plane, feel every emotion you can. Allow yourself to age and change gracefully. Do not resist the flow..
Pray to anything that brings you peace. Believe that small coincidences are clues from fate.
Focus on the source inside of you, inside of your being. The vibration you feel when you deeply acknowledge your existence. The energy around you tightens and becomes more focused.
Your job is to figure out what, in each life, pulls that positive force out of you the best. Then do only those things.
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