When the darkness comes to light
Creatures of gossip take flight
In a community so small
Some decide to share it all
Between the sheets
Then in the streets
Respect is expensive
Yet words come Cheap
With knives flying and backs turned
I think I feel my ears start to burn
Once a whisper becomes a roar
I’ll start heading towards the door
With the chatter that goes on
Hatred is spawned
This rainbow we paint is not black and white
but made of many colors that burn bright
Elders fought a war
they have brought us far
Many battles won
This war is not done
We fight for equality
But what we need is humility
The ability to take the blows that are given and show that we are not afraid
to fight for what is right in our world and show unity on all fronts
For when we deceive and chastise each other
We show that we are exactly what they think we are
Playing to the stereo types
We should be trying to take flight
To soar above
And go with love
Take up your swords of whit
your shields of humor
And lets no longer fight each other
Snide comments ignored
And turned into compliments
Given with caution that it doesn’t become a double edge sword
Sharp tongues silenced
Replaced with sweet songs
And chants of praise to move us along
In my lifetime I hope to see
our community of peace and equality
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