The four of them, the mighty captains, had been traveling through the Gulf of Mexico on a small boat. Alpha, an alien chosen to guard Earth, had told them of the danger creeping through the waters. They had never met Alpha, but he had been telepathically guiding the teens from their births, when he implanted their powers, until they conveniently all met at the same college. They had all known of each other early in their lives, but had only been fighting villain-driven disasters for the past year, together. Alpha ensured they came together at the right time as trouble on earth grew. Alpha had to ensure the safety of Earth for his people’s return in a thousand years. The captains were hope. Since Smoggy Fog was defeated, the Terrorist had taken advantage of the latest manmade disaster, an oil spill. The Terrorist was their main villain, but the gang had never seen him, just his creations, one after another. His latest monster, Slick, was oozing through the gulf ...