Amidst our diverse sub-cultured society,
lurks those irresponsible few jesters.
Often unaware the pain caused by perceived superiority,
of which sarcasm egotistically applied will fester.
In moderation, can be taken as humor if one please,
yet vies of selfish attention-seeking power needs beckon strong.
Uncontrolled, ignorantly based grudges unleashed,
often creating hate vendettas that do not belong.
Lending to unhealthy negative reactions ,
left unchallenged, will sacrifice mature growth changes.
This artificial bubble of superiority action,
Will lend to loss of trust by others so strange.
Suddenly one emerges from temporary sense of false gratification,
as realization emerges that tests the true rewards of ones folly.
Knowledge of truth of ones actions arises as a cold sensation of loneliness,
once friend ones entertained audience becomes foe.
Overwhelming feelings of indifference, hurt, melancholy,
ultimately surface as one seeks others to ease the pain away.
Meanwhile others realize that lost souls plea,
then suddenly connect that hurt with ones unjust way.
One retreats in loneliness, untrusting, bitter asking “Why?”,
“When might ones spoken words cause pain enough to cry?’
As seeds of ignorantly posed hate filled words spew in preconceived jest,
One but has to be reminded the void of love and compassion felt at best.
An only key to unlock hate filled actions, discontent, strife,
is understanding , compassion, forgiveness, thus quality to life.
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