"7 Days in Hell"
To Hell
Is where I went when I was feeling
By the life I never asked for
And the life those who judged me
Said had no place in heaven
The first day
On the road to Hell
Always seems glamorous
But the glamour starts to fade
By the end of the second day
It’s the third day when most are captured
When the hallucinations really take hold
There is only a short window of time
In which one can travel down the multiple paths
From Hell to Earth
Most never make it back in time
It only takes three days to be stuck in patterns, craziness
Few, like myself, are able to navigate beyond the third day
Between the realms of Earth and Hell
The fourth day in hell
Begins a deep period of paranoia and horror
The fifth day in hell
Is when isolation sets in and the deterioration begins
By the sixth day in hell
The reality of flesh is dying with the mind
It is near a permanent state of misery
Hell is where I went
Determined to find pleasure in loneliness
I kept looking for acceptance from decayed souls
In hell to make friends with
Because I was taught that every soul
Has the potential to be good
But in Hell that isn’t true
By the seventh day
I realized I was lonely among the lonely
If I didn’t leave I’d be stuck forever in patterns, crazinesss
But I was lucky
That everyone and everything in Hell
Reminded me that my inspiring soul didn’t belong there
So I let go of misery and left Hell for sanity
And found the path that was right for me to Heaven
without a doubt one of my favorite pieces! and incredible, emotional example of one person's spiritual journey