Descartes once said that “I think therefore I am”
but whenever the clanging of the morning bells
dull and diminish the thoughts in my mind
whenever i can’t even hear myself over
the crashing sirens of oncoming boats
outside voices right in my ear
a polluting fog blinding my path
As i leave my words behind
am i still the person i thought to be
am I?
Too many thoughts and not enough paper
words reverberate harder, harder against my skull
an escape, a dignified retreat
to a place where I can breathe
And what if I cut down every forest
this Earth has ever born
And leave it barren
scavenging to save the spared
to write down so many thoughts, so many dreams
a scribe’s eternal duty by all means
Would that justify the salvation of my sanity
or am I being dragged to the bottom
by more than just gravity
but whenever the clanging of the morning bells
dull and diminish the thoughts in my mind
whenever i can’t even hear myself over
the crashing sirens of oncoming boats
outside voices right in my ear
a polluting fog blinding my path
As i leave my words behind
am i still the person i thought to be
am I?
Too many thoughts and not enough paper
words reverberate harder, harder against my skull
an escape, a dignified retreat
to a place where I can breathe
And what if I cut down every forest
this Earth has ever born
And leave it barren
scavenging to save the spared
to write down so many thoughts, so many dreams
a scribe’s eternal duty by all means
Would that justify the salvation of my sanity
or am I being dragged to the bottom
by more than just gravity
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